Meet Robert.

Robert Jones, LCDC, ADC, ICADC

With 20 years in the Navy, I have witnessed ,firsthand to power of resiliency. I have seen people overcome daunting obstacles and emerge stronger on the other side. I want you to remember that setbacks and hardships do not define you. They are opportunities for growth and learning, paving the way for a brighter future.

I believe in the power of transformation and the capacity for individuals to evolve. Each person's journey is unique, and I am here to meet you exactly where you are, with respect and understanding.

No matter the challenges you face, have faith in your inner strength. Together, we will explore solutions and take gradual steps towards healing and personal growth. Trust in your abilities to adapt and embrace the changes that lie ahead.

Remember, I am here as your co-pilot, committed to assisting you on this transformative journey. Feel free to share your thoughts and concerns, and we will navigate the path ahead together, with hope and resilience as our guiding lights.


My Fun Side

When I'm not in counselor mode, I find joy in engaging in various activities for fun and self-care exploration. One of my passions is sailing, feeling the wind on my face and the freedom of gliding across the water. Boxing allows me to release stress and channel my energy into a powerful workout. Kayaking offers serene moments of connection with nature, as I paddle along tranquil waters.

Journaling becomes my sanctuary, where I can pour out my thoughts and emotions, finding clarity and introspection. And oh, chasing sunsets! There's something magical about witnessing the sky transform into a canvas of vibrant hues. These activities add valuable tools to my self-care toolbox, allowing me to rejuvenate, recharge, and find inspiration in the beauty of life's simple pleasures.